Published on May 19, 2015
ClientGenie – Features
Mass changes / Project Support
- Domain migrations /Splitting
- Server consolidations
- User / server recertification
- Analysis: check which databases are in use on users’ workspaces
- Change the required links on the Notes workstation to point to the new server / domain: database icons, entries in bookmarks and replicator page
- Remove all links to databases which are not longer required: database icons on users’ desktops, entries in bookmark folders and replicator page
- Add connection document to the users Names.nsf
- Edit Location documents to reflect new server / domain / Cross Certificate
- Conditional execution
- Collect and store user ID’s in a central inventory database
- Setup, maintain and support roaming users
- Address book roams with user
- Workspace roams with user
- Bookmarks roam with user
- Roaming keys supported
- Specified roaming locations support
- Citrix setup supported
LiveControl – DominoProtect for the client
- Allows full control and protection on runtime
- Redirection or prevention of server accesses related to specific servers and databases
- Prevent creation of local replicas (especially useful for Citrix Environments)
- Prevent deletion of local databases
- Prevent creation of local databases
- Prevent opening databases
- Block server Access
- Reroute server access to another server
Workspace Management
- Create and name workspace pages
- Delete workspace pages
- Modify existing workspace pages
- Conditional execution Setups
- Conditional page create/change configurations (based on guided decision trees)
- Web Desktop supported
- Manage home page settings
Database Icon Management
- Add database icons to workspace pages and/or Bookmarks
- New icons can be overlayed with “New” symbol for user attention
- Move database icons (search and move)
- Moved icons can be overlayed with “Moved” symbol for user attention
- Delete database icons (search and move)
- Search for database icons by type, name, server, replica id
- Control database icon stacks
- Control workspace page and exact location to place the database Icon
- Conditional options to move existing database icons when adding a new icon to an occupied location
- Initiate and maintain local replica for the added database
- Turn on/off “display server” setting
- Using database profiles for efficient modifications involving multiple databases
- Conditional execution setups
- Create bookmark folders
- Add, remove, update bookmarks
- Position new Bookmarks
- Remove duplicate bookmarks
- Remove empty folders
- Conditional execution setups
Agent Runners / Execute Programs
- Run agents before Notes startup
- Run agents after Notes finishes startup
- Run agents in background
- Run agents in UI
- “Run once only” option
- Special execution for scheduling Agent Runners
- Commonly used agents included
- Conditional execution setups
- Execute any locally installed external program
- before Notes Startup
- after Notes finishes Startup
- during Notes shutdown
- Configurable actions for carrying out changes to the infrastructure
- “Run once only” option
- Execute at any time
- before Notes startup (pre-login, even if no ID file is available)
- after Notes finishes startup
- during Notes shutdown
- Available for standard operations replacing custom coded agent runners, such as
- change templates of local databases
- roam any defined files
- delete private views
- delete local files (e.g. cache.dsk)
- compact Desktop
- run a programm
- To be extended, new actions become available with every new release
Attachment Compression and Filtering
- Integration with BCC Zip, only one DLL required
- Supports ZIP and RAR Files
- Automated compression of attached files to a zip-archive
- Automated unpacking of attached archives (also created by external Tools)
- Supports archive encryption and password protection (AES 256 Bit)
- Rule based file blocking (size, type, number of recepients)
- Flexible configuration (rules and all dialog texts)
Replicator Page
- Automated creation of local replicas when deploying databases via ClientGenie
- Maintain Database Templates replication
- Maintain Send Out-going mail settings
- Maintain Send Out-going internet mail settings
- Maintain Receive internet mail settings
- Maintain Local Free time info
Address Book
- Create, Change, Delete connection documents
- Create, Change, Delete Certificates
- Create, Change, Delete location documents
- Auto adapt to end users current geographical location and connectivity state
- Conditional execution setups
INI management
- Configurable execute time for INI changes
- Add new INI entries
- Delete INI entries
- Conditional action parameters for each Change
- “Run once only” option
- Special execution for scheduling INI changes
- Limit number of times an INI change document can be processed
- Central management of execution control parameters
- Create, Change, Delete tool bars
- Control visibility settings for tool bars
- Set location of tool bar
- Conditional execution setups
- Setup custom tool bar entries
- Use pre-defined tool bar items
- Conditional execution Setups
Workspace themes
- Add custom textured workspace backgrounds
- Add custom database icon design elements
- Maintain theme libraries
- Automatic correction of configuration changes made by the user
- Automatic recovery of moved or deleted objects
- Recovery of a pre-fixed standard configuration with user specific elements
- Recovery of local replicas
Dynamic Execution Control of all documents using “rules”
- Available memory
- Client-type
- Windows / Notes-version
- Date/ time control
- Server- / file availability
- Network Parameters
- Request of Notes.ini or Windows- system variables
- Freely defined rules using IBM Lotus Notes @-Formula language
Client analysis and inventory
- identification and evaluation of relevant client-settings in one central database
- Pro-active Client administration through reliable audit of Client-related information for monitoring and analysis
- Parameters collected are e.g:
- OS: operating system, computername, username, physical DNS domain name, machine GUID
- ClientGenie: CG DLL version, DLL file lLocation, license file location
- Notes: client version, Notes program path, Notes data path, C++ library location, notes.ini location
- Server related: home server, location, central server
- Performance: download/upload time, time to open config DB, time until processing, time for processing
- Hardware: Screen resolution, screen frequency, color depth, harddisk drives, HD total space, HD free space
- Additional: cache directory, dictionary directory, current user location, Extmgr_Addins entry, Nsfhooks entry, headlines directory, Windows task manager list, specific files
- Network: IP addresses, subnet mask, gateway, connection speed
- User ID information: ID filename (fully qualified), ID certification, RSA encryption, ID string RSA profile, Public key expiration
- Data:
- as XML file: bookmark.nsf, desktop.dsk, replicator page, ECL rights
- as actual files: icons, notes.ini, names.nsf
More general management features
- Automated initial setup of Notes Clients (corporate standards)
- One-time, temporary & permanent configurations
- Extended support for placeholders including the usage of any Notes.ini or Windows system variable
- Automated ClientGenie software updates
- Approval change process / workflow
- Full audit trail for all changes
- Maintain groups separately
- Launch local http server with Notes clients
- Launch external programs (ie. Browser, other software)
- Store user desktop data for backup and help desk support
- Collect user IDs into central storage
- Generate random password for stored IDs
- RSA public key setup for stored IDs
- Store local address book in central storage
- Store desktop (as small XML file) in central storage
- Single Sign On (SSO) supported
- SSO disable option
- Manage users’ notebooks and workstations as one or separately
- Roll back support
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