Published on June 8, 2015
AdminSuite – Processes

Processes in the IBM Notes and Domino Administration
According to the general definition, a process is a sequence of interdependent and linked procedures which, at every stage, consume one or more resources (employee time, energy, machines, money) to convert inputs (data, material, parts, etc.) into outputs. These outputs then serve as inputs for the next stage until a known goal or end result is reached.
In the Notes and Domino Administration, there are organizational process stages such as request and approval, as well as the technical procedures, which need to be considered. A request can be processed in Domino back-end or on the Notes clients. As the output there will be the provision of a “result” as well as process controll components:
- Feedback to the process owner, administrator etc. (positive / negative)
- Performance indicators for measuring purposes
- Logging / audit trail for ensuring security standards
With BCC AdminSuite organizations receive a platform for processes and sub-processes for their IT management, which allows maximum automation with the greatest possible security. AdminSuite is an extendable framework, with ongoing improvements for the processes supported. New processes become available as separate services, which can be imported (e.g. as XML file). This will allow an easy adoption to the specific organizational needs.
Solution approach by BCC
Which are the results, that are delivered by the administration processes? The end user (and his Notes client) require:
- Functional and high-performance email services
- Access to business critical information and business processes via (Notes) applications
at any times and any devices required without user impact reps. user intervention at lowest possible cost
BCC’s approach means provision of services in the context of processes utilizing the user, group, database and client management functionality. Read more about the architecture and function range of the AdminSuite
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